The MRCS Part A examination takes place thrice a year-typically in January, April and September. At some point during the pandemic, the part A exam could be taken at home. But now, it can only be taken in-person at centres run
by Pearson Vue (the official testing partner) The centres all over the world in multiple cities open up on a specified date usually 50 days before exams and students choose the centres online. The race for centres is a real
problem and many students fail to secure a spot in their desired session. This has become a real issue over the past few months.
The first part of the MRCS examination, i.e. Part-A, includes a common test for the four colleges. However, the examinee has to apply for the exam through the specific college’s website and therefore the application fees might
vary slightly for each college. Exams are no longer conducted in pen-paper method. The MRCS part A exam is now handled by Pearson-Vue (an online testing agency). The location of your testing centre has to be chosen online by
you. You will have to be fast on the day centres are announced on the Pearson-Vue website. In-demand locations get filled within hours. The application period ends a few months prior to the exam. However, the centre choice
through the Pearson vue website takes place 45 to 60 days prior to the exam. Be vigilant about the dates. If you need to be added to a WhatsApp group where >500 students are preparing together, WhatsApp the official Mortimer
Green number insert link.
The Part B of the MRCS examination is an Objective Structured Clinical Examination with 17 stations. You will be eligible to apply for MRCS part B for 7 years after completion of MRCS Part A examination. The details of this will
be covered in another blog but do watch this video to gain a basic understanding of MRCS Part B.